Switching Schools Within Your District: Open Enrollment And Intradistrict Transfer Options

 By Michelle Ball, California Education Attorney for Students since 1995…

You May Be Able to Extend Your Permit Expiration Dates Due to Hurricane Idalia – Here’s How

As Hurricane Idalia heads for Florida’s Gulf Coast, some property…

Maximizing ROI: The Benefits of AMS-CRM Integration

Successful sales go beyond just closing a single deal. It involves…

How long does U.S. patent and trademark prosecution take? (2022 edition)

Each year, IP Spotlight updates our readers who often ask: how long…

Parking Dispute Over Driveway Easement Leads to Massachusetts Real Estate Action — Massachusetts Real Estate Lawyer Blog — November 5, 2019

When a driveway is shared by two neighboring properties, the…

KGK Special Ed Law Blog: Bullying

 Bullying - When Special Needs Students Are the Victims or…

Intellectual Property Protection for AI: Securing the Future

The AI and IP Dilemma Examining the key principles of…

Unilateral Alteration of an IEP Does Not Create New Obligations Upon School District

In the case of Holland v. Kenton Cnty. Pub. Sch.,…

What Is a Section 48 Notice?

A section 48 Notice can be significant and important for…

Doctrine of Merger in California Real Estate

The Doctrine of Merger in California real property law provides…